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Research and development activities

Research and development activities are of strategic importance at ReMineral. We constantly apply ourselves to gain new insights and develop our already existing know-how related to modification of product characteristics, as well as to increase the degree of innovativeness in all our technologies and production processes. We conduct systematic research and analyses of the various means of extracting waste material, recycling it into secondary raw materials, and then re-introducing it back into use. The outcome of our research is then applied in all the internal processes at our company, such as:


  • modification and treatment of product material characteristics

  • introduction of changes in the production processes, using experimental activities that are backed by lab and semi-industrial research and analysis

  • technical testing of products and processes

  • effective transport and logistics of materials taking into account both the ecological, as well as the economic aspects

  • collaboration with carefully selected vendors whose goals align with ours, and who possess an appropriate level of experience


The practical aspect of all research and development activities conducted at our company comes down to our ability to discover new co-dependencies and relationships within the scope of the process of replacing mineral resources with recycled ones. Furthermore, our activities go hand in hand with the main goals of the European Commission recommendations on Circular Economy, the European Green Deal, Climate Neutrality by 2050, and the 2050 Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe – secondary raw materials. The outcome of all the conducted work shall be further developments, inventions, new hypotheses, concepts, and theories. Moreover, ReMineral is also keeping up-to-date when it comes to state programs on scientific and technical-scientific development of the country.

ReMineral Sp. z o.o.